Saturday, September 15, 2012

Taking a Few Days Off

It sucks to pause the workouts so soon, but I've got some personal issues to deal with that take priority right now. Once I get back into the exercise routine I'll start posting here again.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 3 - Diet Struggles

Weight: 177.9

Today's workout was a little more doable for me, although there were still a ton of moves I just wasn't able to do. I like the style of the workouts a lot, and the instructor is great. So that's good.

What I'm struggling with so far, aside from getting the motivation to pop in the DVD every day, is the diet. Strangely enough, I'm having trouble eating enough calories every day. The meals on this diet plan are so protein-heavy that I feel full for way longer than I'm used to. Plus, eating the smaller meals more often is definitely keeping me fuller longer, too. I'm used to eating bigger meals less often. It's an adjustment I guess. I know I need more calories than I'm getting, but I don't want to force them down. So I'm thinking of increasing the calories per meal a little bit to compensate. We shall see.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 2 - First Workout

Weight: 177.9

I know it's just going to be water weight lost at first, but it's still fun to see a loss right away.

So I did the first workout, and man it was HARD. I managed to get through the first 20 minutes alright, but I pretty much just marched in place and watched the DVD for the second 25 minutes. The stuff they were doing was just so far beyond my current capabilities, haha. But I'll get there.

Hey, it's a start! I'm just impressed I managed to do any workout at all today - I so didn't want to. But, I did, and I got through it as best I could. Which is way more than I've done in ages.

So yeah, go me!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 1 - Fitness Test

So yeah. The Fitness Test.

Kicked. My. Ass.

Here are my results (I know I said I'd take it again every 30 days, but like my measurements, I'm supposed to do it every 15 days to track my progress):

Oh and take these with a grain of salt - I had to modify A LOT of the movements just to complete any of them!

Switch Kicks: 94
Power Jacks: 32
Power Knees: 66
Power Jumps: 19
Globe Jumps: 5
Suicide Jumps: 9
Push-Up Jacks: 7
Low Plank Oblique: 16

Aside from being heavier than I'd like, I guess I didn't realize how truly out of shape, how truly unfit, I am. I mean, even when I've lost weight in the past, I've never really gotten "fit". I've just gotten thinner. I am looking forward to really putting in the effort this time to be healthier as well.

Day 1 - Starting Stats and The Plan

Before I begin, a few starting stats...

Weight: 179.5
Waist: 39.5
Hips: 42.5
Chest: 43
Right Arm: 13.5
Left Arm: 13.5
Right Thigh: 22
Left Thigh: 21.5

Blaaargh. So those suck. I am going to remeasure them every 15 days, although I'll probably weigh myself daily.

Today I officially begin the new diet/exercise regime.To start, I am going to attempt to eat 5 small meals a day, each featuring a large chunk of protein, for a total of approximately 1500 calories a day. The reason why I say "attempt" is that I will actually be eating a lot more food, and a lot more protein, than I'm used to, even if the calorie count will be smaller. I figure over the next few weeks I'll adjust the calorie intake as needed once my body starts to adjust to the addition of healthy foods and daily exercise. I am also going to up my water intake.

So in about 15 -30 minutes I'm going to start the exercise, which begins with a fitness test. I'll post the results of my test later. I plan to retake the test every 30 days to see my progress.

Wish me luck on getting through my first day!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Deciding to Commit

Hey there Internet. So I've been having a tough time lately. Over the course of all the drama that has been my life for the past year plus, I've put on about 25-30 pounds. I've basically just been turning to food to cope with everything I've had going on. I feel completely out of control of any aspect of myself or my life. I'm frustrated, overweight, and it's gotten to the point where I just feel incredibly unhealthy. Blah.

I've decided it's time to make a change. I've always done the lose weight thing, maintain for awhile, then go back to eating like crap and gain it all back. I've never been able to successfully stick to any kind of exercise routine, and I inevitably turn to food when I'm unhappy. I'm tired of it all. It's really time to get my shit together for real.

So, I ordered the Insanity workout program today. I know, I know. It's completely and totally beyond my current fitness capabilities. But I don't care. I'll go at my own pace. I'll do what I can. It's a 60 day program and seriously, I know that I am MORE than capable of committing to something for two months. I just have to want it bad enough. And I do. I need something to focus on, something positive. Something to take my mind off of everything, and something to improve my mental and physical well-being.

And I know I've said all this a million times before. That's the nature of yo-yo dieting, yo-yo exercising. I commit, and then I give up, or fall off the wagon, or whatever. I want to make a real, actual CHANGE this time. I'm not getting any younger, but I believe I am getting wiser.

So here goes. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it.